Family Matters Wiki

Maxine Johnson is Laura Winslow's best friend. A few times, she has convinced Laura to do things that her father Carl would never approve of, such as going to the Sizzle Club in skimpy outfits or get back at Eddie by inviting all his former girlfriends to his birthday party. She was played by Cherie Johnson.


Maxine went through numerous relationships with guys before finding love with Waldo Faldo. After they apparently broke up in season eight, she had a hard time finding a good, stable boyfriend after Laura found love with Steve. She has dated Curtis Williams in season eight and D'Andre in season nine. Laura was suspicious of D'Andre but Maxine wouldn't listen to her, leaving Maxine to learn the hard truth about D'Andre's drug trafficking when Eddie and Willie arrest both the guy and him. Maxine's feelings for Steve are much softer than that of Penny and Laura's own mainly due to them coming from similar backgrounds in having neglectful parents.

Season 10[]

In the final season (had the show continued on), it would've been revealed that Waldo had gone on a discovery trip and had no intentions of ending his relationship with Maxine. He tells her that he wanted to marry her once he got back in Chicago and that his cousin, Bob, had screwed up the postcards (Bob's postcard was revealed to want to end his relationship with a girlfriend of his). Now host of his own tap dancing cooking show, Waldo marries Maxine and they have a steady life together in California with children of their own.

